ChikPOS: High Definition Point-of-Sales

Other advantages of ChikPOS:

  • Support for XBRL Accounting Standards,
  • Online store support which thus as a CRM can allow reviews, show top sellers, online brochures, online orders, mass email, club cards
  • Not locked to hardware
  • Superior business reports
  • Multi-touch support
  • Transformability

As a result of the external monitor display too, there is now Full HD (1920 x 1080) bluray quality video support!

The ChikPOS system also takes advantage of the modern technology of chat, where “sound” may not be utilized between employees.  In what looks very similar to “MSN Messenger” (now known as Windows Live Messenger), employees can find help very quickly.

Another innovation that has occured as a result of the external monitor display support, is “customer information support”, which includes weather, time, and news information.  This is what differentiates it from the Aloha software by Radiant Systems (the long time big winner), who recently acquired Quest Retail in 2007 for about US$54m.

The external screen also provides bored children with something to look at, something to burn time, in this time-short world we live in!

Another fantastic result of the external screen is the support for multiple languages.  This may not be all that helpful to English speaking nations, but in countries where multiple languages are spoken, or where the language of your employees are likely to differ from those of customers (such as Hong Kong Disneyland), you can overcome an age-old cross-cultural barrier using multi-language.

As a result of the extra external monitor, ChikPOS can take advantage of the “related products” feature, that uses a “smart” technology, to profile a customer, and market products that are “related” accordingly.  Finally, it looks like innovations are catching up in the bricks-and-mortars market.

Another benefit of the ChikPOS is its nativity for supporting a dual MONITOR (rather than a dual DISPLAY pole).  If you go on to the Dell website, you’ll find that the peripherals (Customer Transaction Displays), here:, are around $200, which are the same price as FULL HD SCREENS!

I tihnk the movement of ChikPOS towards High Definition is the right thing to do.

The opportunities are endless as a result of the extra screen.

#1: Terminal prompt (
So one of the “big benefits” of the ChikPOS system is its nativity with Windows 7 (which is now in RTM – Released To Manufacturers), out very soon, thus its ability to display high definition video.  This is contrasted with the old UNIX or DOS-based systems.  This benefits me as a store owner because it means that my employees can work a lot faster, thus get through queus faster (better work flow management).


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


RETAIL purchasers are scurrying to put their name on a waiting list for a beta version of the new Australian Point-Of-Sales Modifiable-Off-The-Shelf software, the ChikPOS Checkout System.  As a part of a South Australian version of the 2009 MIT $80K Entrepreneurs’ Challenge, the ChikPOS Checkout System is getting ready to be beta tested, soon to hit the Internet.  The engineering group has been busy testing the software, ensuring commercial viability of the software.

The ChikPOS Checkout System is embracing the highly popular HDTV technology, natively supporting a dual screen platform, replacing the display pole.  As a result, the software can use an external screen to display related products, support multiple languages, and other time-critical customer relationship information.

Targeted at retailers, the software also claims to advantage store owners with online store synergy support, XBRL support, transformability, and “business decision” reports.  Shop attendants are also excited at the new corporate chat support, which is has been acknowledged as a business version of MSN Messenger.

The advantages of the ChikPOS Checkout System are vast:

– Non-linear functionality (multi-touch support): Work more quickly

– Dual monitor support: Replace the display pole with similarly priced HDTV screens

– Related products: Advertise through a new channel

– Multiple language support: Communicate with foreign shoppers

– Customer relationship information: Occupy customers with time-critical information

– Online store synergy support: Reduce costs of “going online”

– Corporate chat support: Improve intra-store communication

– Transformability: Transform from a retail POS to a hospitality POS on system resale

– Business decision reports: Improves managerial decision making

– XBRL support: Reduces costs of complying with accounting standards

– Hardware independence: Software works with all existing retail hardware

– Developed in Australia: Support a true Aussie blue

The project, a Jeremy Shum Invent (JSI), is rumored to be commercially available by summer 2010.

“The business plan behind the product may be preliminary”, VP of Marketing, Sophie Winzar stated, “but we know when we’ve engineered a value-for-money product.”

“And good products sell themselves,” she said assuredly.

The South Australian $50K Entrepreneurs’ Challenge has been won in the previous years by groups that have then later obtained commercial success, including ProScales (touch screen for food labels), Pyglet Enterprises (device to directly copy CD’s to MP3), and Vinetology (automatic robotic vine pruner).

“The prizes are vast, and the competition is fierce”, VP of Finance, Howard Fong said, “We’re going for the $10,000 cash; but Piper Alderman, Perks, Vroom Associates, Palmerstone Projects, and Madderns Patent & Trademark Attorneys have similarly awfully generous consulting prizes on offer – and we really need all the help we can get to commercialize our product!”

“But The Advertiser’s $10,000 ‘Market Ready’ prize is the one we really want and need to get”, Chief Engineering Officer, Jeremy Shum added, “their market reach is second to none”.

The team is aiming to win the State competition to enter the National John Heine competition, then later the Moot Corp, which is held in Austin, Texas (USA).

For more information about ChikPOS, go to

MEDIA CONTACT: Sophie Winzar (Marketing Manager, ChikPOS Checkout System)

Email: | Web Site:

Checkout out this ‘7 Things I Like About ChikPOS’ website ( To me, it’s like the Microsoft Windows of the Operating System industry, when there was IBM’s OS/2, Apple’s Mac OS, and all of the other software that Windows simply “blew away” when it was introduced. In this blog, I go through the ‘7 Things’ (I think it is a parody of the Miley Cyrus song) that are great about ChikPOS Checkout System. Feel free to reply with your comments.